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小說作品:  石小麗  吳雪云    周瑜   莫小杰




隸屬關系中文核心期刊: 《工作有效與工藝》

    New Powder Oxygen Index Tester and Its Usage


Abstract:The oxygen index test instrument is usually used for the classifcation of the polymeric fame retardancy.The existing testerdemands self support samples and provides reduced test results.The new oxygen index tester includes oxygen fow rate measurement andadjustment,nitrogen fow rate measurement and adjustment,nitrogen and oxygen mixing component,propane igniter,combustionbarrel,and temperature and time recorders,which is especially suitable fr the samples without solid shape,and supplies with the OX—ygen index number and the combustion temperature—time CHIVe.The oxygen index number is determined based on the combustion tem—perature rather than combustion phenomena.What we should mention is the applicability fr the materials difcult to be ignited at theoxygen content of even greater than 80%.Therefore.the improved tester can adapt to a variety of samples and ofer more resuhs onmore scientifc bases.The new oxygen index tester can be paricularly used fr the experimental teaching and the laboratory research ae—tivity.

Key wordsoxygen index tester;instrment;modifcation;usage



助燃安全性能好分析儀器裝備盡在 19331.cn

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